The Perfect Child
We bring Kyra back to the VRBO on November 1st. So far, I have some basic training by the nurses in changing diapers, feeding her and burping her. It was tough as none of the nurses spoke English and I was “no hablo espaniol”. I wish I had watched more YouTube videos on burping and feeding the baby as I was very nervous if I was doing it the correct way. They kind nurses tried their very best to get me up to speed on basic stuff, it always seemed that Kyra did much better with them than me. Needless to say I struggled the first couple of days mightily and I felt bad to Kyra. I guess she drew the short straw on this one.
This will be the first night she will be with us. I am running through scenarios of her not sleeping, what if we have an emergency. What is she starts crying and I don’t know what to do. A very nervous evening. She gets her evening feed, and starts hiccupping, now I am in full panic mode. A call to my mom an sister in India help me relax as they tell me its normal but still it doesn’t settle my nerves.
I keep doing the one thing I have been told, keep her on my shoulder and keep patting her back. Finally her hiccups go away just in time as if they would have continued for 5 more minutes, I am pretty sure I would have been at the Emergency Clinic at 10.00 PM.
Well first night is over, we survive she is still breathing and alive and nothing major has gone wrong. The new few days were working on Kyra CRBA application, changing diapers, feeding her, burping her. I am getting better at it. In complete transparency I had a lot of help. I had a US nanny and a Mexican nanny. Thank god for Google translate as the Mexican nanny was a Rockstar, was so gentle with Kyra, changed her clothes, bathed her taught me to listen to Kyra when I am feeding her to make sure she is not suffocating. She also was charging me $200 for the week, which was a steal compared to my US nanny.
Kyra was a perfect child, didn’t cry much… slept, ate, pooped. I was beginning to wonder, what the fuss was about raising a child. My baby sleeps for 4 hours wakes up eats, poops, peeps (not all in order) and goes back to sleep. Seems like raising a child is like a walk in the park when you have a child like Kyra.